Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Discourse on Origins
The Omnibus Brotherhood is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-governmental, and fraternal organization dedicated to the practice and dissemination of brotherhood to all progressive and like-minded individuals.
The Emblem of the Omnibus Brotherhood
The Greek Letter Omega, symbol of the Omnibus Brotherhood, adorned with the ancient symbol of the Spiritual Sun (a point within the circle) in the center of the Omega’s arch, the source of all material and immaterial manifestations in the Universe; and flanked by the wings of Maat the, goddess who personified the Ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice.
The Symbols are in gold, denoting the Universal Manifestation exploding in majesty at the moment of its creation from Nothingness (black circle).
The 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the Greek numeric system, it has a value of 800. The word literally means "great O"
Often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate limit of a set, in contrast to Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. In the New Testament book of Revelation, Christ is declared to be the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last".
As the symbol of the Sumerian goddess Ninhursag, the Omega has been depicted in art from around 3000 BC, though more generally from the early second millennium. It appears on some boundary stones on the upper tier, which indicates her importance.
The Hebrew for Truth is Emet. It is composed of three letters: Aleph, Mem, and Tav. The Aleph and the Tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, equivalent to the Alpha and Omega in the New Testament scripture, which was originally written in Greek. The fact that the word Emet begins with the first letter of the alphabet and ends with the last led the ancient Jewish rabbis to see in this word a mystical meaning.
God's absolute perfection is expressed in Isaiah 41:4 and 44:6 by the phrase, "I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God." The phrase fitly expresses the idea that God is unique and eternal, the beginning and end of all that exists. The Tav, or last letter, in like manner, signifies that God is the ultimate being. There is no one higher than God, and there will be no one after God, since God is eternal.
Mission and Vision
The Omnibus is a Brotherhood of Men. It is an independent and autonomous Society comprised of free-minded individuals committed to the formation of Brotherhood, through which they could nurture themselves and their Brethren for the attainment of personal and Fraternal Success by embodying the virtues of Fraternity, Fidelity, and Faith.
Section2. The Ideals and Principles of the Brotherhood
The Omnibus Brotherhood is a Community, a Society, and a Commitment.
As a Community, the Brotherhood gives opportunity to the Fraters to commune in Fraternity with like-minded individuals so as not to tarry in loneliness while providing the avenue to express one’s self freely, in the absence of judgment and derogatory criticism which may inflict the being.
As a Society, the Brotherhood teaches the Fraters to interact in Fidelity for the well-being of their fellowmen in the Brotherhood, so as to live and practice proper decorum in conducting one’s self in the presence of one’s brethren.
As a Commitment, the Brotherhood emphasizes to the Fraters the essence of Faith in dealing with the challenges that go along the way of Brotherhood so as not to compromise fraternal expectations and personal interests in pursuit of attaining the demands of responsibility.
Generalities of Admission
Be it known that for one to be worthy of admittance into the Brotherhood, he must:
· Be of legal age
· Be not affiliated with any other organization of similar nature within the locality of Iloilo City
· Take residence within Iloilo Province
· Be of good moral character with no known history of reckless behavior that may have endangered himself or his associates
*Non-resident of the Province may gain admission provided he pays the Brotherhood the necessary courtesy call upon visit to the city and fulfills the necessary obligations stated thereof.
Be it known that those who seek entry in the portals of the Brotherhood, after fulfilling the preliminaries, is assessed by the existing body under the supervision of the Head of the Committee on Admission, his associates, and the Triumvirate.
The Committee on Admission reserves the privilege to confer or reject admittance onto an applicant. If the privilege be granted and approved by the Triumvirate, the applicant is recognized by the existing body as primary initiate whose functions and rights is provided hereof.
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