Monday, August 22, 2011

The Omnibus Metamorphosis Year

The end of Metamorphosis year

The Omnibus Brotherhood is like metamorphosis, when a worm from a cocoon grows from ordinary to extraordinary, it turns out to be a young and gorgeous butterfly, full of enthusiasm and ready to face life again. Pretty sure it's about the right time.
It is inevitable indeed that organization like Omnibus Brotherhood have the will to go on despite of all the trials we encounter, we can always move our feet forward. Though there are times when we encounter heavy pile blocks of criticisms on our shoulder, but one thing is auspicious, it's a way to pent up more muscles to keep us stand upright. Errors serve as blessing purpose, we become more mature with a solid backbone. - Acceptance to what is happening around is the next step to become strong and united.
Time, acceptance, principles, rules and roles are all part of the organization. Omnibus is like chef and members are different spices and flavors of frustrations, conflicts, division, friendship and happiness mix all together that create a perfect cuisine. So when we are at our lowest point, always remember the tale of a desperate worm and how it transforms into a beautiful and gorgeous butterfly at the right time.
The Omnibus Metamorphosis complete!

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